"We take so many people to work and to school. It's a great service, especially for the lower income and the elderly riders – but also for everyone. Working for BATA, I feel like I’m a part of the community. I’m helping people get from point A to point B." – Nikki, Dispatcher
Heading to the new Senior Center ribbon cutting today? Hop on the Bayline for a free ride! BATA Service Alert: The new Traverse City Senior Center is opening on Feb. 3, 2025. To celebrate the opening of this great new facility BATA will be temporarily deviating the outbound Bayline Aero Park eastbound loop to the front entrance of the building Monday – Friday from 8 a.m. – 5 p.m. This devia...
BATA provides hourly service to Kingsley, Monday through Friday. Service starts at 6:30 in the morning from Northland Foods. The last bus from Traverse City arrives at Northland Foods at 7:25 in the evening. And you can ride all month with a monthly commuter pass for just $40!
BATA Service Alert: Starting February 3, 2025, westbound M-72 at the M-22 intersection will be closed for about 3 weeks for utility work in preparation for the bigger M-72/M-22 roundabout project starting in March (weather permitting). We will be actively monitoring the construction impacts to BATA services. Village Loop Route 10 – Suttons Bay may be impacted. Also, the westbound M-72 traffic...
Winter is here and there may be a bus stop out there who needs you. Show your love for your favorite BATA bus stop this month by shoveling any snow and taking a fun photo to post here. BATA passes will be awarded to the most-loved and cared-for bus stops and will be announced on Valentine’s Day. Learn more here: www.bata.net/adopt-a-stop
"It feels good to know that I am still picking up some of the same people today that I was picking up 20 years ago. Even without my uniform, people recognize me just from my hat. Not too long ago, I walked into Meijer and somebody recognized me, and they were yelling ‘that’s my bus driver!” across the store even though I hadn’t seen them in ten years! So yeah. It’s cool to be part of ...
Shout out to the BATA Shovel Brigade helping clear the snow from a number of bus stops today. Learn more about BATA's Adopt-a-Stop program here: https://www.bata.net/news/adopt-a-stop.html