The Traverse City Downtown Development Authority (DDA) has launched a program utilizing funds from Traverse City Parking Services toward providing free commuter passes for employees within the DDA District. The Destination Downtown Program allows a pass holder to utilize existing BATA City and Village routes to get Downtown for their daily commute to and from work atat no cost to them. Learn more about the program here.
Take BATA for free - any fixed route! From home - yes! Call BATA to get a Village Loop to deviate to your house - yes! Park at Old Town Parking Deck and take Route 1, 2, or 13 closer into downtown - YES!!
Interested in Participating in the Destination Downtown?
NO FEES for 2024! This program can benefit any employer located within the DDA District. If you have questions or are interested in participating, please reach out at or by phone at 231-922-0241.
Plan your day with an easy to read timetable of stop locations for your route.